Tin Alloys

Why are Tin Alloys In Trend? You know tins have properties that make their alloys popular. Other metals can be mixed with tin alloys. So, it can be coated on other metals for protective layers. It has a low melting point that makes it useful in the ingredient of most solder, and it is not toxic which makes it ideal for protection as a joining the metals. It has also corrosion resistance capability so, so it is useful for making food containers. It is also essential for making pewter. And its high boiling point makes it to be useful for making 'float' glass. How to process tin alloys? We know tin is very useful from ancient to the modern era. So, we have to know how to proceed with it. 1. Ores Tin occurs from cassiterite and naturally occurring oxide of tin which contain 78.8% tin. About 80% of tin occurs from alluvial deposits. 2. Mining A large amount of tin is mined by gravel pumping and alluvial mining areas of Southeast Asia are also considered for impurity tin. 3. Refin...