Lead Alloys

About Lead and Lead Alloys Lead is that metal that is very well known by humans. We know lead and Lead Alloy are the most useful metals and alloys compared to others. They play a very vital role in radiation shielding. It is mostly in trend due to their properties. Properties of Lead They have the following properties like It is soft and ductile It has a Low melting point Having high density It is toxic metals It has thermal conductivity and tensile strength. It is also resistant to corrosion. Uses of Lead Alloys We are already read above that the properties of lead alloys make them widely useful for making various applications Its high-density property considers the best effect for the shielding of x-rays and gamma radiation. Its malleability and softness make it useful for many applications. It is also used in the production of batteries. It is also useful in solder due to its low melting points and it is ideal for joining other metals. It is also useful for making other alloys...